In 3 years (2015-2018) at Rhythmix we delivered a Trusts and Foundations programme which included the following achievements:
- 10 fold increase in Trusts and Foundations funding.
- 1 in 2 success rate on funding applications and 1 in 7 success rate on letter writing.
- Zero to 23% of income as un-ringfenced.
Key to this transformation was better relationships and management of trusts and foundations. The transformational results were achieved by:
- Revamping the case for support, applications and proposals.
- Developing the prospect pipeline and improving research quality.
- Building a database to manage data and timelines.
- Implementing an outcomes and evaluation framework which fed into and out of the grant fundraising programme.
- Establishing a stewardship programme for trust and foundation funders.
“It is no exaggeration to say that Lucy’s work was central to Rhythmix’s success story during my time at Rhythmix. She has led and managed a wide range of programme initiatives while simultaneously enhancing and professionalising the organisation’s funding portfolio – which in turn has created more opportunities to develop further programme initiatives. This virtuous circle has been further enhanced by her ability to lead significant organisational change thus enabling Rhythmix to grow purposefully and sustainably in a highly challenging national context.
Lucy is a highly professional, knowledgeable, skilful and creative individual who is keenly aware of the national picture and who quickly assimilates new information, intelligently adapting it to the strategic needs of the organisation. I would like to commend her in the highest possible terms.”
Tony Biggin, Rhythmix Trustee (2005-2018), Rhythmix Chair (2013-2018)